CSFO Project beneficiaries receiving toolkits
Author: admin
Meeting with Director and Deputy Director of Directorate of Economy Jawzjan
CSFO Director Meeting with Director and Deputy Director of Directorate of Economy Jawzjan about sharing information of Carpet Weaving Project at Shaborghan and District of Khwaja Deh kho Jwazjan Province
Rural Economic Development Approach
Carpet Weaving Project beneficiaries during work – JawzJan Province Project
Special General Meeting
This can be called by the Executive themselves or if so desired on request of at least 60% of the paid-up members to the Executive.
A notice period of three weeks must be given and a formal notice of the meeting, including date, place, time, subject matter and proxy arrangements must be given. The meeting must be called for a specific purpose and only that matter can be discussed at the meeting.
A quorum shall consist of 60% of the members present or represented by proxy. (A proxy must be signed and witnessed.)